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Langelands Museum

Extensive ancient collection and objects from more recent times

The museum and prehistoric collections were founded by the merchant Jens Winther, born in Rudkøbing 1863. The collections contain objects from prehistory to the early 20th century.

All objects exhibited are from Langeland, Strynø and Ærø, the working area of the museum. Our fine and comprehensive collection of antiquities occupies half of our exhibition area. This reflects that the area is unusuallly rich in finds from prehistoric times. From the later periods we are especially proud of the finds from the renaissance fishing hamlet Sandhagen.

Our collections of silver, faience and glas as well as beautifully wood-inlayed 18th-century furniture are small but of high standard.

Langelands museum

Jens Winther - the great  archaeologist - The building on Jens Winthers Vej was constructed in 1905 and planned as a museum of archaeology. The collections primarily consisted of the personal finds of local merchant, Jens Winther (1863-1955), which he donated to the museum. Jens Winther’s life-long interest in archaeology made him the driving force behind the museum, both scientifically as well as financially, from the time of the foundation to his death in 1955.

Books and souvenirs
The museum publishes many books with results, studies and research, among others. a. on archeology, maritime history and gardens. The museum on Jens Winthers vej has a small museum shop where you can buy the museum's publications as well as a selection of different souvenirs.

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