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Tryggelev and Nørreballe Nor

Tryggelev Nor is one of the most bird-rich wetlands in Denmark.

Langeland is a fine place to visit if you are interested in birds. In Tryggelev Nor observation towers have been built creating the best possible conditions for studying the birds.

In September 2018, Tryggelev Nor received a new observation shed.
The observation shed is a new type that is fluid and has one-way windows. The hide is the first of its kind in Denmark and is called "the innovative observation shed". It is designed for unnoticed to enter into the surrounding nature and as a floating shed, where birdlife can be experienced very close to and in height with the water level.

Experience Tryggelev in 360 degrees

Experience Nørballe Nor in 360 degrees

The digital visibility of Langeland routes is supported by the Danish Outdoor Council with distribution funds for outdoor life.

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