Naturdyk i Det Sydfynske Øhav
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Diving Denmark er navnet på en dykkerdestination med dykning i Lillebælt og Øhavet. Læs mere om naturdyk i Øhavet på
Scenic dive: Thurø Dæmningen
Et rigtig godt stranddyk, hvor man kommer helt tæt på fisk, som er stærkt territoriehævdende. Nålefisk familien viser sig her – og både Næbsnog, Tangmål og Snippe kan også ses her.
Scenic dive: Dovns Klint - The southern part of the Langeland Belt
The southern tip of Langeland is known as Dovns Klint. This dive site offers a varied seabed with chalk deposits, flatfish and a wealth of macro-organisms in the seaweed. The surrounding countryside i...
Scenic dive: Østerskov Beach - The southern part of the Langeland Belt
This dive site can be found on the south of Langeland, between Humble and Bagenkop. It is a classic east Langeland shore dive, and the water quickly reaching a depth of a couple of meters.
Scenic dive: Keldsnor Lighthouse - The southern part of the Langeland Belt
Beneath the beautiful Keldsnor Lighthouse is hidden away a really good shore dive. The site is surrounded by beautiful countryside, and you could not wish for a better setting for a trip beneath the w...
Scenic dive: Spodsbjerg North Beach - The Langeland Belt
This is a real jewel of a shore dive with beautiful belts seaweed everywhere: serrated wrack, bladder wrack, beds of eelgrass and black carrageen. During the summer there are enormous numbers of juven...
Scenic dive: Lindelse Nor
One of the really unique features of Lindelse Nor is that much of the sea bed is in fact the submerged stone-age landscape, which was flooded as sea levels rose when the ice from the glaciers of the l...
Scenic dive: Svendborgsundbroen
Det strømfyldte og næringsrige Svendborgsund er et godt marint levested med især fiskeyngel, nålefisk og tangbælter. Når du kommer længere ud, begynder muslingebankerne at vise sig.
Scenic dive: Christiansminde
Under 2. Verdenskrig lagde skibe fra den tyske krigsmarine ofte til her, og dette kan flere fund gennem tiden bevidne.