Project: The National Park Investigation (Naturparkundersøgelsen)
Project description: Naturturisme I/S whished that the The South Funen Archipelago, with the seal of approval as National Park, got a notable and clear profile as one of the country’s most attractive, coastal destinations.
Naturturisme I/S whished that the Det Sydfynske Øhav (The South Funen Archipelago), with the seal of approval as National Park, got a notable and clear profile as one of the country’s most attractive, coastal destinations for the discerning and experience-seeking tourist with involvement and activation of locals.
The profile and the many offers of experiences should furthermore attract resourceful newcomers, who strengthen the rural areas’ level of know-how and growth potential
Read more about the project and its results on the homepage.
The project was handed over in 2013
Project sum: 11,1 mio. dkr.
The project was supported by:
- Nordea Fonden
- Friluftsrådet
- Faaborg-Midtfyn Kommune
- Ærø Kommune
- Langeland Kommune
- Svendborg Kommune