Project: Sea Kayaking Facilities in Det Sydfynske Øhav
Project description: Det Sydfynske Øhav – a unique sea kayaking destination
Short description
Det Sydfynske Øhav (The South Funen Archipelago) is one of the most popular attractions regarding natural areas in Denmark, and relevant kayak-friendly facilities, as well as wide range of courses and trips, have increased its popularity
Even before kayaking became common, Naturturisme I/S has focused on sea kayaks. Back in 2005 and 2006, jetties, overnight accommodations and kayak harbours were established, and kayak trailers were provided on chosen islets. Parallel to this, Naturturisme I/S has also contributed with a dissemination that favour a sustainable balance between the use and protection of the archipelago’s vulnerable nature.
Background and Purpose
The projects have had multiple aspects of kayaking in Det Sydfynske Øhav.
Physically, supporting facilities for kayakers have been established, such as kayak harbours, -trailers, -shelters, jetties etc. These have also been supplemented to the project 19 Blue Strongholds – The Archipelago Shelters and Archipelago Spots.
For informational purpose, a guide book has been made to assist locals and tourists in experiencing Det Sydfynske Øhav from a kayak.
Possibilities and advantages
The provision of the supporting facilities makes it easier for tourists to visit the entire area and give safe conditions for kayaks and equipment when staying the night.
The guide book makes it easier to navigate and seek facilities, communicates the unique natural and cultural history and guides kayakers around vulnerable nature and breeding areas.
There have been established kayak harbours in Faaborg, Rudkøbing and Ærøskøbing. Furthermore, Naturturisme I/S have been sparring on the kayak harbour in Marstal.
Many of the sea kayak facilities have been developed in cooperation with Havkajakcenter Svendborg (closed), Nicus Nature, Marstal Kajakklub, Øhavets Natur- og Smakkecenter, Havkajakklubben Svendborg, Svendborg Kajakklub and Troense Kajakklub.
Project Manager at Naturturisme I/S:
Søren Lisby, soren.lisby@svendborg.dk
Project sum: 548.000 dkr.
The project was supported by: