Vitsø set fra Søby Volde. Ærø - Geopark Det Sydfynske Øhav.

Tour 12: The geopark exhibition, nature, and lighthouse views

Photo: Søren Skibsted

Visit Søbygaard where you will find an exhibition about the geopark. Take a walk around the medieval castle and continue to Vitsø Nor. Finish with a fantastic view from the top of Skjoldnæs Lighthouse.

Although not the largest manor house, Søbygaard is an interesting visit. Right at the entrance you'll find the Geopark Visitor Centre, where you can learn the origin story of Ærø and the South Funen Archipelago Geopark. During the summer you can experience various exhibitions of art and cultural history as well as classical concerts.

Søbygaard was built around 1580, but the building’s current appearance is the result of extensive changes in the 17th-18th century. In 1991, the manor was purchased by the self-governing institution Søbygaard, which has since been responsible for extensive renovations and restoration of the moat.

Next to Søbygaard, you can climb Søby Volde. A listed fortress from the early Middle Ages, and probably part of a series of hill forts designed to protect the archipelago's population from German expansion and recurring attacks by the Slaws.

About 1.5 kilometres from here, you’ll find Vitsø Nor, which is a spectacular piece of nature worth visiting. In 1788, a dam was built to seal off the mouth of the large nor to the Baltic Sea. The purpose was to convert it into farmland. In 1836, drainage was intensified and the Vitsø pump mill was inaugurated. Today, the mill is publicly accessible, the area is under protection and the fjord has been partially restored. Ditches and canals have been closed and the water level raised so that the lake covers about half of the area with meadows taking up the remainder.

Since you're on the northern part of Ærø, we recommend going all the way to the northern tip. Here, you'll encounter one of the country's most beautiful lighthouses, Skjoldnæs Fyr, which still sends its nightly flashes out to sea. 22 meters high, the round building made of granite from Bornholm was completed in 1881. From the top, enjoy a magnificent view of the Baltic Sea, the Little Belt and the South Funen Archipelago all at once.

Time required

From 3 hours

Recommended means of transport

Bike or bus. The round trip distance between the destinations is approximately 18 kilometres. You can take a bus to Søby and bring your bike with you.

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