Viewpoints of the Geopark

Photo: Mikkel Jézéquel

From these vantage points there is a very special view of the archipelago and the drowned ice age landscapes


Geopark: Fakkebjerg - a ‘hat-shaped hill’

The landscape of Langeland is dotted with over 1,200 dome-shaped hills known as ’hat-shaped hills’.

Udsigt Bregninge Kirkebakke
Photo: Mikkel Jezequel

Bregninge Kirkebakke

The highest hill in the South Funen Archipelago with Bregninge Church on top offers stunning views of part of the Geopark and opportunities for short hikes


Egebjerg Bakker og Stenstrup Issø

Magnificent glacial landscape with marginal moraines, Denmark's second largest glacial lake, dead-ice landscapes, a stone sprinkling, brickworks industry and a varied outdoor life.

Skjoldnæs halvøen med Næbbet til venstre. Geopark Det Sydfynske Øhav
Photo: Mikkel Jézéquel

Skjoldnæs og Næbbet

Coastal cliffs, dead ice landscapes and a well-developed Holocene angular foreland are among the natural attractions on the northwesternmost part of Ærø

Photo: Faaborg Turistbureau


Hilly area with very fine views from Trebjerg Hill, which is the third highest point on Funen.
Erosionsdale i falske Bakker i Svanninge Bakker. Geopark Det Sydfynske Øhav
Photo: Søren Skibsted

Svanninge Bakker og Bjerge

Svanninge Bakker and Svanninge Bjerge (meaning ‘the hills/mountains of Svanninge’ respectively) are parts of the so-called ‘Alps of Fyn’ -   a 16 km long and 6-8 km wide range of hills reaching a height of 128 m.


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