Spis, Lyt og Mærk, Søbygaard 30. april 2023
Voderup Klint

Wonderful days in

Geopark The South Fyn Archipelago

16 great tours curated by local experts

What to experience in the geopark? There are so many great things to recommend, but this list has been cut to the bone. You get 16 suggestions for wonderful days to enjoy - divided geographically by the four municipalities the geopark covers.


Drejø from above - Geopark Det Sydfynske Øhav.
Mikkel Jézéquel

1. Ferry rides, island living, and birdlife on drejø and skarø

Visiting the small islands in the archipelago is almost like travelling to a bygone era. The absence of traffic and urban development brings you closer to the sounds of nature, birdlife and old buildings.

Rødme Svinehaver. Geopark Det Sydfynske Øhav
Søren Skibsted

2. Scenic views, biodiversity, and powerful experiences

Head out to the geopark's exceptional ice age landscape at Egebjerg Mill and Rødme Svinehaver. While you're in the area, we recommend two powerful experiences; a trip to the treetops in Gorilla Climbing Park and the popular mountain bike trail Skovhuggeren.

Klintholm profilet. Geopark Det Sydfynske Øhav
Søren Skibsted

3. Geology, ancient times, and coffee at the castle

About halfway between Svendborg and Nyborg lies Klintholm Kalkgrav, an international geosite where lime was extracted for agricultural use. The lime pit provides a dizzying glimpse of the earth's past. A past where Denmark was covered by shark-infested seas, and volcanoes and earthquakes turned the tropical ocean into an icy polar sea. 

Monnet med Danmarks fineste strandenge ligger på Sydtåsinge
Mikkel Jézéquel

4. Wild nature, birdlife, and old country roads

Take a trip across the beautiful Svendborg Sound Bridge to Tåsinge, where you'll find Funen's largest salt marsh, Monnet. This area on the south coast has been protected since 1983 and therefore has a rich bird and animal life. 


Avernakø i Det Sydfynske Øhav
Mikkel Jézéquel

5. Island lunch, geology, and a bike ride

Experience the archipelago from the water and get a taste of island life on Lyø and Avernakø. From Faaborg, you can take the ferry to either island, and then sail to the other before heading back. 

Erosionsdale i falske Bakker i Svanninge Bakker. Geopark Det Sydfynske Øhav
Søren Skibsted

6. Hiking, scenic views, and glacial landscapes

Hike The Archipelago Trail and enjoy breathtaking views of the picturesque hilly landscape of the Svanninge Hills and Mountains. The first stretch takes you from Falsled to Faaborg, where you'll reach two of Funen's highest points along the way.

Maleri fra 1900 af voksne der danser i Svanninge Bakker
Fritz Syberg

7. Exhibitions, hiking, and nature - on two wheels

The beautiful hilly landscape that South Funen is known for has characterised life in the area since the ice age and holds great cultural significance. At Faaborg's two major museums, you’ll experience the area from two perspectives; nature and art. 

Vandrerute Tarup-Davinde Naturområde
Faaborg Turistbureau

8. Central Fyn, music, and man-made lakes

The composer Carl Nielsen was born in central funen. Visit Carl Nielsen's childhood home and get a sensory experience of his childhood. Not far from his childhood home you'll find the amazing Tarup-Davinde Nature Area.


Marstal Havn
Søren Svendsen

9. Seafaring, hiking, and kilometres of natural pier

Feel the winds of history and the maritime atmosphere in Marstal. The small town has an extensive maritime history centred around the Marstal Harbour - a natural harbour shielded by the headland Eriks Hale.

Gade i Ærøskøbing
Lasse Hjort

10. European heritage, ancient crafts, and a city stroll

Explore Ærøskøbing, one of Denmark's best-preserved 18th-century towns and awarded the Europa Nostra Award for the Preservation of European Cultural Heritage.

Skredterrasserne ved Voderup Klint fotograferet mod vest
Mikkel Jézéquel

11. Hilly bike ride, coastal cliffs, and meadows

Hop on your bike for a ride over the ridge of Ærø through varied terrain, stunning scenery and magnificent views.

Vitsø set fra Søby Volde. Ærø - Geopark Det Sydfynske Øhav.
Søren Skibsted

12. A geopark exhibition, nature, and lighthouse views

Visit Søbygaard and watch an exhibition about the geopark. Take a walk around the medieval castle and continue to Vitsø Nor. Finish with a fantastic view from the top of the beautiful Skjoldnæs Lighthouse.


Tranekær slot
Mette Johnsen

13. A medieval castle, natural art, and natural medicine

Take a trip to Tranekær, which despite its relatively small size, offers several great experiences. A medieval castle, the adjacent castle park TICKON and the Medicine Gardens.

Ristinge Klint på Sydlangeland
Mikkel Jézéquel

14. A walk along the cliff, dynamic coastal landscapes, and a visit to skovsgård

The two kilometre long and 28 metre high Ristinge Klint (Ristinge Cliff) is a breathtaking sight, and from here you can walk along the coast to Ristinge hale. After enjoying the sea breeze, we recommend a visit to Nature Destination Skovsgaard.

Strynø havn
Mette Johnsen

15. Island life and smack dinghies on Strynø

Strynø is full of character. Despite its small size, the island has around 200 permanent residents, its own daycare centre, a school, a grocery store and several businesses. 

Keldsnor Fyr fotograferet fra området nær Fakkebjerg mod sydøst
Mikkel Jézéquel

16. Wild horses, tomb chamber, hat hills, and a cold war museum

The southern tip of Langeland is a vast natural area with open grasslands, lakes and bogs, forests and cliffs. Here, you can climb Fakkebjerg, crawl into a burial mound from the Stone age and visit the Cold War museum Langelandsfort.

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